Daily Dance Quote

“Great dancers are not great because of their technique. They are great because of their passion.” — Unknown

Dance Question: Do monkeys dance?

Here is a funny dancing monkey video (see answer below). 

From dictionary.com (British Dictionary definitions for dance)

2. verb (transitive) to skip or leap, as in joy, etc

Answer: Yes, according to the above definiton the movements that animals make in the form of leaps, skips and jumps often seem to be associated with joy. Like humans animals perform certain movements in association with play, or being fed, or interacting with other animals or humans. They respond to music, television and the human voice.
For instance, I have a friend whose dog appears to be singing on command when my friend asked it to sing then starts making high pitched noises.
Have you seen some of the mating dances? Will post some of them in upcoming Daily Dance Matters future posts. 

Synonyms: rock, bob, careen, hop, jig, leap, jump, shimmy, strut, swing….